To attend school as an officially enrolled student a child must be 5 years of age or older. Children may be enrolled on their birthday or earlier. At enrolment, it is advisable for the child to be accompanied by a parent/caregiver. This enables the parent/caregiver to meet the child’s teacher and have a look at the room in which the child will be taught and some of the amenities provided by the school.
On enrolling you will receive an enrolment / information privacy / permission form, asthma action plan (if applicable).
At enrolment the following are Ministry of Education requirements and must be provided:
1) Birth Certificate - Regulations state that a birth certificate must be presented to the school to verify date of birth and country of birth. This will be photocopied.
2) Immunisation Certificate - The school requests that an immunisation certificate of all 5 year olds be presented at the time of their enrolment for verification. This certificate will be photocopied.
3) Pre-School Education - if any, type eg playcentre, day care, kohanga reo.
4) Iwi Affiliation - up to 3 iwi can be entered
5) PLEASE NOTE: If there is a custody / non-molestation order please supply information and ‘order’ for photocopying for our records. These will be kept confidential. It is essential that we are informed and kept up to date of the circumstances for the protection of your child/children.